Sweet Bar

Sweet bars or buffets are a great addition to any Wedding or Party! Say thank you to your guests by having mountains of sweets to pick from, they are a real hit and look great. You will find everything here for your Sweet bar including scoops, tongs, bags, containers and loads of great sweets. Please search through our pages. All our sweet signs and bags are personalised with wording and colour just for your special day.
tongs and scoopsTongs and Scoops small fish bowlSmall Fish Bowl sweet bowlSweet Bowls large fish bowlLarge Fish Bowl
sweet traySweet Tray med bowlMed Fish Bowl sqaure bowlSquare Bowl sweet bar big signLarge Sweet Sign

Small Sweet Signs

Small Sweet Signs

sweet bagSweet Bags

round sweet bowlRound Sweet bowl

CannistersSweet Cannisters